Selection Criteria: A cadet in CS-7 with a burning desire to fly.
Recipient: C/Capt Ryan Silva
Dick was a Mig Killer in the Vietnam war. Interesting enough his academy room mate was Jeffrey Feinstein who was the only navigator “Ace” in the Vietnam war and as far as I know, in history. Dick was interested in being in on the decision of who received his saber and discussed the selection with the CS-7 AOC Maj Anthony Tydingco. They decided that Ryan Silva was the best candidate. Interestingly, C/Capt Ryan Silva was the number 1 Academy graduate for the class of 2018.

In the last two years, I have spent more time as a Trail Steward for Snow Canyon State Park. Working for Utah Department of Natural Resources gets me outdoors, sometimes underground cleaning the Lava Tubes and most often lifting rocks and lava to mark trails. Meeting people is a primary task and that is one of my favorites. Fortunately the Park has given us many hikes to increase our knowledge of there geology, flora, fauna and history of the Park. I moved on in the foundation business to become the Chairman of the Board of the Share Winter Foundation, Improving the Lives, Fitness and Health of Youth through Winter Sports. Stop by and say Hi.