Selection Criteria: A cadet in CS-2 or 5 who was in the top half of the class.
Recipient: C/Capt Alexander L Hill
Bill wanted a cadet from CS-2 or 5. I had initially talked to CS-5 AOC Maj Ben Fowler when I was trying to locate the oldest cadet. When contacted again for a nomination he quickly advanced C/Capt Alexander Hill as a prime nominee. Since Wooder lives in Parker CO he was very pleased to be able to give his saber to Cadet Alexander Hill.
Wooder was also happy to give Maj Rick Patterson’s saber to C/LtCol John Fredericks and Col PK Waldron’s saber to C.Capt Madison Charland. Since Wooder lives close he was thrilled to assist in presenting two sabers at the second Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Event. He was on the Tennis Team with Jack Frost and was pleased to give his saber to C/Col Maxwell Olson. He had also worked with Mike Phillips and was able to give his saber to C/Col Kate Zimmerman.