Selection Criteria: Oldest Cadet in class
Recipient: C/Capt Brian R Kelly
Darrel was the instigator of this program and gave the first saber to C/Capt Brian Kelly. Darrel was a graduate of the USAFA Preparatory School and the original oldest cadet in the class of 1968. A cadet who started in the class of 1967 was turned back to the class of 1968 and was actually to old to have started in this class. C/Capt Brian Kelly was also a Preparatory School graduate and both started and finished as the oldest cadet in the class. Unlike Darrel who was a mediocre cadet as the pivot man (half the class both above and below) Brian was the CS-13 Fall Squadron Commander. When contacted the CS-13 AOC Maj Marcus Durham was very happy to second the nomination.
Darrel is shown presenting his saber to C/Capt Brian Kelly. He also gave Ron Jackson’s saber to C/Capt Victoria Rodriguez, Stephen Schmidt’s saber and Mac Phillips’s scabbard to C/Maj Noelle Heiser and Dick Coe’s saber to C/Capt Ryan Silva at Doolittle Hall on 100 Night He also gave Jack Webb’s saber to C/LtCol Jeffrey Weingast and Rag’s Hause’s saber to C1C Raymone Jackson at Arnold Hall in May.