Recipient from: Percy, James R Col
Selection Criteria: A life sciences cadet who wishes to become an Air Force Doctor.
Cadet Baily C Nagle is the perfect example of Murphy’s Law in action. The saber engraving is permanent. It can not be covered over or redone. For this reason I set up a triple check system to make sure that I have the cadet’s name correctly spelled. A blank is engraved and double checked that it is correct. Unfortunately, Mr. Murphy is persistent in enforcing his law and the unthinkable has happened. Cadet Nagle’s saber will forever be engraved “Bailey C Nagle”. It is my sincere hope that Cadet Nagle will excel as a Medical Doctor and that Mr. Murphy will be satisfied with this proof of his invincibleness and never wreck havoc on any of Baily’s patients in the future.
My apologies
Darrel R Knutson, LtCol (Ret), USAF
Class of 1968